Saturday, March 3, 2012

Return of Winter

Day 6 (3/3/12)
In Wisconsin we have a saying “If you don’t like the weather now… wait a minute”. Although it took more than a minute our trip down the bike trail today was quite different from two weeks ago. For one thing we were wearing snow shoes. Perhaps, snowshoes were a bit much but it was only the second time we had an opportunity to use them all winter so we went for it. Two weeks ago we had to keep an eye out for bikers and other pedestrians, today I think if I would have heard “on your left” shouted behind me I would have freaked. There were human tracks in the snow going one direction but otherwise we saw no sign of people. Another ironic twist was that we did see three cranes fly over the trail, a sign that spring is on its way but it sure didn’t look like it today. For whatever reason there was a goose following the cranes as if he wanted to join the flock but just couldn’t keep up.  We spent most of our time looking for things we had built two weeks ago. Some were still there and others were gone or covered by snow.
Tripod today

Tripod 2weeks ago

Dangler 2 weeks ago

Dangler today

Tree build today

Tree build 2 weeks ago


Eileen on the trail

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