Friday, July 2, 2010

Fallen Nest and Sculpture

Day 16 (7/2/10)

Another beautiful Wisconsin day beckons us back to the bike trail. I had to go with my backup bike since I had blown a tire yesterday. It was actually kind of fun riding it again. My backup is a thirty year old Vista Espada road bike that still works quite well. Along the trail Eileen found a small bird nest that had blown out of a tree. I have always been intrigued by birds nest. It probably dates back to my childhood when I always had a Nest collection at the county fair as a 4H project. It held many fond memories because my grandfather had helped me collect them. I think now it is illegal to collect them. My guess is that it is probably a warbler nest based on size and construction. It is amazing what great basket makers they are. This one even has some synthetic fiber in it. Now if they can just get it to stay in the tree. We did a little rebuilding but for the most part just enjoyed the ride and the beautiful weather.

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