Day 19 (8/2/10)
I can’t believe it has been almost a month since going out on the trail. When setting out I was expecting everything to be lying in waste. It was actually a pleasant surprise to find most things in varying degrees of togetherness, even the “Prairie Memorial” which is quite fragile. Of course most of the precarious parts, like cairns, had toppled but I spent a little time repairing them. I noticed that the dog treat station had been changed from a wooden dispenser to a plastic container. Hopefully nobody had molested it. It’s one thing to knock over my sculptures, which are not made to be permanent, and another thing to destroy a family’s memorial to their beloved father. Maybe it was changed for a less sinister reason. I took the time to set up one tie build that had been down since last fall. I think I will call it “Special K”. It looks like a large K and its special. It needs more done to it but I wanted to just get it up. I also build a new build today that I am quite proud of. I call it my “Giacometti Build” because it is tall and slender and has a very Giacometti look to it. It is kind of precarious so I may have to shore it up a bit in the future. Oh yeah, I just about forgot to mention the return of the biting ants. Soon after starting the build I noticed I was again covered with ants and they were mad. It was so great just being back out on the trail again.